Personal Wellbeing

Personal Wellbeing

If you are seeking urgent help regarding your mental health or someone close to you,

call The Samaritans free on 116 123. Tell someone how you feel and see your GP as soon as possible.

Contact your Branch official, Welfare section, Mental Health First Aider, or Peer Supporter network for support, help and further signposting.

Try calling the Blue Light Mind Infoline on 0300 303 5999

HSE 'Go Home Healthy' - Work Related Stress

Visit the HSE Stress Page for information and guidance on dealing with work-related stress.


Stay Safe

Offers support and information through written and video material. Offers ideas ideas about how to get through for people who are struggling with their thoughts and unsure whether they want to live or die.

See for background information about the Staying Safe website.


The Work Stress Network has (partially sponsored by the FOA) produced a very useful reference and guidance document that will be of assistance to anyone suffering from or supporting people with mental health problems in the workplace. A copy can be downloaded from: -


There are several areas of mental health for which specialised advice and support is available, click on the headings below for more information.

Suicidal thoughts


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

MIND 'Blue Light' Programme

The Firefighters' Charity

ACAS Advice & Guidance

Time To Change

Additional information and details of other resources are availble from our 'Other Resources' Page.

It's always OK to ask for help! MIND - Find The Words Campaign

It's not always easy to have a conversation about your deepest feelings with your GP, someone you may hardly know, especially the first time. Many of us find it's really hard to take that first step.

MIND have launched a campaign to help people speak to their GP - there is short film and guide on how to make the most of the few minutes you have with your GP or practice nurse.

There is more information on the MIND wesite -

FOA Leaflets are also available; these might be helpful to officials and members when dealing with mental health issues relating to : -



03/10/17: Updated HSE Work-Related Stress Web Page

New information and support materials are availabe at the Health and Safety Executive's Work Related Stress web page. This material should be of assistance to members and officials for promoting effective work stress management by employers.

VisitÂ  to access this information

This includes a powerful Infographic which helps to highlight the impact of mental health problems in the workplace


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