About Us

FOA membership is open to all UK Fire and Rescue Service staff and workers in fire and rescue related roles in other industries. The Association provides individual and collective representation to members locally and, at national level, we represent FRS uniformed Middle Manager roles through membership of the Middle Manager's Negotiating Body of the National Joint Council for UK Fire and Rescue Services.

No portion of any member's subscription goes to a political party or is used for political purposes.

Our members' interests come first and we believe that these are best served through constructive consultation and negotiation rather than traditional trade union muscle flexing. In this way we can play a constructive role in the changes that are inevitably taking place within the service. If confrontation is at the forefront of any agenda, real progress cannot be made and benefits will not materialise.

The success and direction of an organisation purporting to be representative must be set by its members and this is why we regularly issue information and consult members. Members' feed-back is always welcomed as it ensures that we continue to reflect and represent their views.

We seek to offer representation, help, assistance and guidance for members at a personal and collective level. Whatever their problem or difficulty is, our structure allows members to directly access appropriate assistance without encountering unnecessary bureaucratic barriers.

The FOA strives to ensure that:

  • Members are directly consulted on matters that affect them.
  • Real openness and accountability is seen in all fire and rescue service affairs.
  • Inclusion is promoted in all areas of the fire and rescue service.
  • Concerns about pressures and stressors placed upon managers in the workplace are addressed.
  • The role of managers in delivering service objectives are fully recognised and will fight for this to be reflected by appropriate rewards.
  • The Association has an agenda focused solely on fire and rescue service matters.
  • The Association is non-judgemental so that all members receive equal representation.

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