Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be in the Group Insurance Scheme to receive representation?

All our members receive employment related representation, legal or otherwise, regardless of whether or not they are in the Group Insurance Scheme.


What death benefit is paid to members?

On the death of a full member not in arrears with subscriptions the Association pays the sum of 5.08% of the Station Manager “A” annual basic salary for the preceding twelve months.

On the death of a part-time member not in arrears with subscriptions the Association pays the sum of 1.32% of the Station Manager “A” annual basic salary for the preceding twelve months.

Members of the FOA Insurance Scheme have £10,000 additional life cover (up to age 65) or £5,000 cover (age 65-70).

If death occurs due to an accident, the insurance scheme may also give access to an additional £25,000 .


If I need work related legal representation. Who will represent me?

Our Solicitors, Slater and Gordon, are widely recognised as one of the UK’s leading employment teams for individuals and have a reputation for helping to shape the employment law landscape through its work on landmark cases. their practice is focused on empowering individuals in the workplace by protecting their rights and the rights of those who represent them. (Legal 500 - the definitive guide to the legal profession).

They have established a reputation for providing good specialist advice, and their clients particularly identify the team's accessibility and the invaluable support they give. Our solicitors provide a complete service to FOA members as well as members of the Police Federation.


How do I access Legal Representation

Members of the Association are automatically entitled to legal advice and representation in relation to employment related matters. However, access is managed by the Executive Board to avoid unnecessary costs since we are often able to provide initial advice based on the experience and knowledge of officials..

Any member who believes that legal opinion is required should contact Head Office in the first instance, either directly or via a local official. Details of the issue for which assistance will be requested and the matter referred to the Executive Board to determine whether to allow access to the Association's legal services. Initial contact with our lawyers will normally made by the Association on the members' behalf.

It should be noted that members of the optional monthly Insurance Scheme also have access to a 24-hour Legal Helpline Service, details of which can be found in the Scheme Benefits information issued to Scheme members each year.

What happens with my membership when I retire from the FRS

When retiring from fire and rescue related service members can become Associate Members to retain access to the FOA Insurance Scheme and to representation in connection with matters arising from their former employment.

Anyone who is re-employed in a fire and rescue related role will need to maintain full membership if assistance or representation might be needed in relation to their new role.

When approaching retirement, members should directly advise Head Office (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 01608 652023) so that their payment schedule can be amended to take account of changed circumstances. Please don’t assume that someone else will notify the Association.

Can I remain a member of the FOA Insurance Scheme after retirement

Yes but to retain access to the FOA Insurance Scheme, members must have been a full member of both the Association and the Insurance Scheme for at least 8 weeks before retirement.

Considering the increasingly high cost of travel, life and accident insurance elsewhere for people over 50, the FOA package is very good value with cover extending to age 70. It should, however, be noted that life and accident insurance benefits are reduced from age 65.

How do I cancel my FOA membership

If you wish to leave the FOA, for whatever reason, please contact Head Office (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 01608 652023) to inform us. If you simply cancel your Direct Debit it will be assumed that payments have fallen into arrears due to an administrative or technical problem and, consequently, we will repeatedly attempt to contact you regarding overdue subscriptions. 

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