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Once you have determined the type of membership you require (based on your substantive role - see below) your FOA membership will commence from the first day of the month following receipt of an application - see ONLINE APPLICATION AND DIRECT DEBIT MANDATE

Once your payment details are accepted by our BACS system. (Please note that you may need to scroll up the'sign-up' page to view all subscription details and payment options).

Alternatively, you can download. and complete a Combined Application and Direct Debit mandate in 'pdf' format and send this by post to FOA Head Office at London Road, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, GL56 0RH.


Information about how the Fire Officers' Association handles and uses any personal data collected that we may collect and hold in relation to membership is explained in our PRIVACY NOTICE which must be referred to before submitting any personal information.


Insurance Scheme (includes travel cover for members and partners under age 70)

Subject to acceptance, memberhip of the Insurance Scheme is free for the first three months.

Information collected in connection with an Insurance Scheme application or in connection with any claims made within the scope of policy cover is subject to the Philip Williams and Company Privacy Policy available from - LINK TO PHILIP WILLIAMS PRIVACY NOTICE

The FOA Scheme represents exceedingly good value for money when comparing Scheme benefits and costs against high street prices.

Please use the following link INSURANCE SCHEME APPLICATION) to obtain a copy of the insurance application form which should be completed in addition to the above FOA (online or downloadable) application form and sent by post to our Head Office as an original signature is required.

The standard application form includes a health declaration which is sufficient in most cases. However, where applicants are not able to sign the health declaration section it will be necessary to complete a more detailed health questionnaire for consideration by the life insurance provider. If you think that you will need to complete this questionnaire, please contact our administration team at Head Office to request a copy of the form or download one from the following link (FULL APPLICATION FORM).

Please note that, in either case, insurance premiums will not be collected until the Insurance Scheme application has been accepted by the insurer.

Membership Types

Middle Manager
Uniformed employees of a local authority fire and rescue service whose substantive role that falls within the definition of ‘middle manager’ for the purposes of representation at the Middle Managers Negotiating Body as determined by the National Joint Council for Local Authority Fire and Rescue Services, i.e. Station Manager, Group Manager, and Area Manager.

This category includes employees performing Brigade Manager roles.

Also included are employees in a FRS support role or a profession related to the work of a fire and rescue service, whose substantive salary is equivalent to or greater than that of local authority fire and rescue service middle managers. The relevant income threshold being the development rate for a Station Manager according to NJC pay scales applicable at 1st July during the year preceding the Association’s membership year.


Other Roles
Uniformed employees of a fire and rescue service whose role lies outside the ‘middle manager’ definition (currently Firefighter, Crew Manager and Watch Manager).

Employees in a profession related to the work of a fire and rescue service, whose salary is below that deemed to be the middle manager rate as defined above.


Retained (On-call), Part-time and Apprentice members
Employees whose working hours average less than 75% of the full-time equivalent hours for the role performed, people working within a job-share arrangement, and members conditioned to the Retained Duty System.

This rate also applies to people who are empoyed under an Apprenticeship Scheme


Associate Members
Retired members of the Association who no longer work in a profession related to fire and rescue service activities.

It should be noted that representation for Associate Members is limited to matters arising from their former employment. Anyone re-employed and requiring representation in connection with their new fire and rescue related role must maintain the level of membership relevant to that role.

Associate membership is intended to be a form of insurance against issues arising after leaving employment. In order to retain access to assistance and representation, membership subscriptions must be kept up to date.

To retain access to the FOA Insurance Scheme, Associate members must have been a full member of both the Association and the Insurance Scheme with continuous Scheme membership at and beyond the point of conversion to Associate membership.

All membership categories listed above have access to representation in respect of employment matters and to all other FOA non-representational services. However, at this time we are only able to represent local authority fire and rescue service "Middle Managers" in respect of national pay and conditions.


Membership Subscription Rates from January 2025

Please note that subsciptions are directly linked to FRS Grey Book salaries with any pay award from the previous year being applied from January 1st of the following year.

Membership Type Annual

without insurance

with insurance

Middle/Senior Manager  - £27.11 £50.61
Other Roles  - £23.03 £46.53
Retained Duty System / Job Share / Part-Time / Apprentice
 - £11.53 £35.03
Associate £27.05 N/A £25.75

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