Personal Wellbeing

The Firefighters' Charity

Firefighrters  Charity

Since 2013 the Charity has been supporting beneficiaries with psychological health problems through its rehabilitation service, prior to this beneficiaries needed to have a physical reason for attending the rehabilitation programme. The psychological services programme offered by the Charity is available as a 5 day or 10 day residential programme, according to clinical need. Beneficiaries who attend on this programme are all assessed by one of our psychological therapists who hold relevant qualifications in either counselling, psychotherapy or health psychology and are registered members of a recognised psychological, counselling or psychotherapy body.

Psychological support is available for those presenting mild to moderate psychological conditions including depression, bereavement, injury related issues, anxiety and stress. It is important to note that the programme is not suitable for all psychological health problems, including enduring mental health problems, and where there is acute illness (for example if a beneficiary presents with suicidal thoughts). Screening is therefore carried out with the beneficiary prior to admission to check their suitability for attendance on the programme.

Beneficiaries attending on the psychological services programme will receive 1:1 sessions with their therapist (the number of these sessions will depend on clinical need and may range from 1 – 6 sessions) and may participate in small group work where appropriate. Beneficiaries also take part in the rehabilitation programme including physical exercise sessions and well-being sessions as these are key components of the psychological series that the Charity delivers. Health and wellbeing workshops include commonly experience issues such as managing change stress and anxiety, sleep and pain.

The Charity promotes a ‘whole person’ approach to rehabilitation looking at the psychological, physical and social needs of all beneficiaries to improve quality of life. Whilst a beneficiary may only stay at the Centre for a short period of time the team will aim to promote independence and provide the beneficiary with the tools to help self-manage their condition / problems at home. Psychological support is also available for those who attend on the physical rehabilitation programme on a self-referral basis however availability will be dependent on demand.

Download information sheet - The Firefighters' Charity (MH Support)

Link to Firefighters' Charity Website

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